Well, we all have seen at some point our teachers pointing out the most intelligent and the most dull student in our class.
Well, have you ever wondered that why both of them are so opposite in this attribute, that why some people are more intelligent from others.
According to Oxford Dictionary explains intelligence as the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing and Alfred Binet was the first psychologist to work upon this attribute. Later, many psychologist tried to form many theories on it .Some of them have shown an approach in which only a single index of particular abilities are used and others used an approach in which the limelight is shown on the process that how intelligent people act.
Some of them were of:
Alfred Binet: In this theory. He, took intelligence as of one similar set of abilities which can be used for solving any or every problem in an individual’s environment.
Charles Spearman : In this .He proposed two factors G general and S specific factor. The G includes general mental operations and S represents special qualities.
Louis Thurstone’s theory: He proposed that that intelligence consists of seven abilities and each of it is independent . These primary abilities are:
(i)Verbal Comprehension
(ii)Numerical Abilities
(iii)Spatial Relations
(iv)Perceptual Speed
(v)Word Fluency
(vii)Inductive Reasoning
Arthur Jensen (Level theory): He proposed that intelligence model operate upon two levels.
Level I in which memory input =output
Level II involves higher-order skills as they transform the input to produce an effective output.
J.P. Guilford : This theory classifies intellectual traits in three categories:
Operations: What we do.
Content: Nature or material on which we do operation.
Product: How we processed things.
Well these are a few and there are plenty of these theories to classify one’s intelligence
Now you are wondering that why so many theories are listed here and why didn’t all the psychologists used only one approach
The answer is they didn’t used so because an individual never possess intelligence only in one particular region but can have intelligence in different areas like music, understanding etc.
So,I guess now we can conculde that why some students arent so good in studies but still they can prosper in life (the reason you know now :))
Well how this happens?
Because intellegence always form as a product of genes from the family and the enviornment in which a human resides and a human can always extend his/her capacity of the same(just need to can your enviornment).