Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon made this and it was made to measure the intellectual intellegence of a human.Later revised it and gave the concept of (MA) Mental age and (CA) Choronigical age
MA is the mental development of a person.
CA is the biological age of the person.
Later,William Stern gave the concept and formulae of IQ i.e,
(100 is there to avoid decimal point)
IQ RangeDescriptive LabelPer cent
Above 130 Very superior 2.2
120 – 130Superior6.7
110 – 119High average 16.1
90 – 109 Average 50.0
80 – 89 Low average 16.1
70 – 79Borderline6.7
Below 70Mentally challenged2.2
There are further categories in Mentally Challenged people
mild retardation (IQs 55–69)
moderate retardation (IQs 40–54)
severe retardation (IQs 25–39)
profound retardation (IQs below 25)
When going down this chart the ability of a person to care for himself/herself, ability of self-harm and danger to others continue to be increasing.
On the other hand, gifted people have brilliant capacities to reason and think in a very better way than normal people even from very early childhood a person starts to show intelligent capabilities.
Then may be we should say gifted people are similar to talented people
Um..... No buddy because giftedness is a capability of an individual to perform in a better way in various fields altoghter.
Talented people are capable of performing better in only a specific field.
Lewis Terman studied the lives of 1500
children with IQ of 130 & and above to
examine how intelligence was related to
occupational success and life adjustment & the his work showed how intellegnece effect the lives of people as his this studies was the most long lasting one.
Well now you can know why some people are so intellegent and some are dull. And for the key tip if you want to calculate your iq you can consult a professional for it or you can find a test online.
All the best enjoy psychology 😊.