Substance abuse a new term for a layman which means abusing a substance in simple word or we can say a very extreme excess amount of usage of a substance like alcohol or heroine or caffeine etc.
Substance abuse give way to substance tolerance and then withdrawal which means capability of an individual to tolerate a substance to reach a point at which he or she doesn’t think to consume more to gain the desired effect.
Alcohol is the most common substance which is consumed by many people out there and all alcohol drinks have ethyl in it.
Alcohol directly target nervous system. Ethyl targets human brain areas which handle judgment and presence of mind due to which alcoholic people always become more talkative and also includes motor disabilities in which a person can’t walk properly.
And once the habit of the same is experienced by an individual he or she needs excessive amount of the same regularly through which he or she will reach a tolerance point then more alcohol will be needed to get the desired effect and ultimately destroy families and lives wholly. Millions of houses get destroyed regularly due to the same reasons.
Where cocaine intoxicant an individual through the whole also effects relationships which that it also make short term memory loss or less attention period and show same tolerance and withdrawal pattern like in alcoholism more drug means more drug targets brain areas of judgment. Cocaine supply cut can cause depression or fatigues in the patient.
Heroine on the other hand does the same effect and harm people all around the world regularly.
Substance abuse is a term which destroyed many families till now and in which not only these big names include but also caffeine and cannabis types of intoxicating substances too.
But there is not even a single disorder which can’t be treated.
Substance abuse can be treated through good behavior counselling or medication.
For example alcoholism can be treated though Naltrexone or Acamprosate medications etc.
Treatment for impatient individuals are delivered to victim for helping him or her stay clam if he or she doesn’t consume the same drug like before.
Where a treatment of a single person to him or her from this drug cage isn’t that simple step but has various stages which are cured in several months or weeks.
But conclusion is that no disorder can be treated if the victim himself or herself doesn’t want to be cured.