They say patience can move mountains, but honestly, except for the monk you saw meditating on the banks of river Ganges, I doubt any of us have the true patience that we all talk about.

It might be patience while waiting for the results of one's examinations or patience to just get over with that phase of life so you can skip to the one filled with fun and adulthood. This is the patience of the leisurely type. Have you been in the shoes of a person who had to learn the meaning of the word 'patience' through the hard way? Maybe they might have learned it by waiting anxiously for the prognosis of a dear and loved one who is hanging onto life with a barely present thread.

Life is the biggest test of this word. How patient are you to experience every excruciating year of your life knowing that one day or the other there will be a 'Stop' sign in the end.

The importance of patience should be realized by every individual. Patience in life can make them reach out for the stars. With patience, you can avoid making hasty decisions. Life is not about living in the future or in the past. It is about accepting the present moment.

In this modern age, most of us have forgotten to be patient and get irritated very quickly over minor issues like a traffic jam, stock market ups and downs.

We all have some big bang plan to reach that goal of life. But setting the goal in itself is only the first part of the equation. If you want to do anything great, you have to learn the art of following through.

That’s where we slip — because taking action is scary. It takes tenacity to follow through on our goals and you need the audacity to set a huge scary goal down and tell the world you’re going to achieve it no matter what.

It takes guts to claim a piece of the pie for your own. But you know what else it takes, and a lot of it?

It takes patience. So much patience. It can take years of patience, or even a decade of grueling work before you start to reap big results from all the time and hard work you’ve put in, and it can be frustrating as hell.

The solution? Learn how to be more patient than everybody else and revel in the hard work, no matter what anyone else tells you to do. That’s the only way to reach your personal success.

Stay tuned in for more.

Until then mates,
Xyris Vendetta

