Full 76 Names Of Fairy For Your Story

Emily Duhe
Aug 19, 2021   •  14 views



1. Aine - Queen of fairies, Irish.
2. Alette - Small winged one, Latin.
3. Ashera - Goddess of fertility and motherhood, Hebrew.
4. Asia - Sunrise, Greek mythology.
5. Aubrette - Elf, German.
6. Aurora - Goddess of the dawn, Greek mythology.
7. Avery - Ruler of elves, Old English.
8. Brucie - Forest fairy, Scottish.
9. Calypso - A sea nymph, Greek mythology.
10. Celeste - Heavenly, French.
11. Charlotte - Baby princess fairy, English.
12. Chepi - Fairy, Native American.
13. Dana - Irish goddess, Irish.
14. Dela - Small winged one, Latin.
15. Derya - From the ocean, Turkish.
16. Dianthe - Divine flower, Greek.
17. Eflie - Elf, Irish.
18. Elida - Small winged one, Irish.
19. Elisa - Swan princess, Literary.
20. Ellie - Beautiful fairy woman, Greek.
21. Elvina - Elf empress, Old English.
23. Fay - Fairy, Old English.
24. Fayetta - Little fairy, French.
25. Fayette, Little fairy, French.
26. Fairy - Fairy, English.
27. Feya - Fairy, Hebrew.
28. Firtha - Sea maiden, Scotland.
29. Flora - A fairy, literary.
30. Hai - Fairy shoe, Vietnamese.
31. Ilayda - Water fairy, Turkish.
32. Kelpie - A water horse that turns into a beautiful woman, Celtic.
33. Lanette - Small songbird, nymph, Welsh.
34. Lara - A nymph, Latin.
35.  Adelina - Small winged one, German
36. Elvinia - Queen of elves, Irish.
37. Leucothea - A sea nymph, Greek mythology.
38.Linette - Fairy, nymph, French.
39. Linetta - Small songbird, Welsh.
40. Lynette - Small songbird, French.
41. Mariam - Star of the sea, Latin.
42. Marica - A nymph, Romanian.
43. Marin - Star of the sea, Gaelic.
44. Melody - Music, Greek.
45. Meriol - A sea nymph, Irish.
46. Migina - Fairy woman, Native American.
47. Naida - Water nymph, Arabic.
48. Nidaw - Fairy, Omaha Native American.
49. Nissa - Elf, fairy, Scandanavian.
50.Ondine - Spirit of the waters, Latin.
51. Olette - Small winged one, Latin.
52. Pari - Fairy, Indian.  
53. Parisa - Fairy-like, Persian.
54. Pixie - A naughty, mythical flying creature, Irish.
55. Pippy - Horse lover, Swedish.
56. Posy - Small flower, English.
57. Poppy - Milk of happiness, Latin.
58. Rosemary - Sea dew, Latin.
59. Rusalka - Wood sprite, Russian.
60. Sebille - A fairy, literary.
61. Sen - Lotus flower, Vietnamese.
62. Shayla - Fairy palace, Hindi.
63. Shailagh - From the fairy palace, Gaelic.
64. Shailyn - From the fairy palace, Gaelic.
65. Shaylah - From the fairy palace, Irish.
66. Shaylee - Little fairy from over the hill, Irish.
67. Shayleen - From the fairy palace, Gaelic.
68. Shayleigh - Fairy princess, Celtic.
69. Siofra - Elf, Irish.
70.Taneisha - Fairy queen, American.
71. Tien - Fairy, Vietnamese.
72. Tiana - Fairy queen, Russian.
73. Titania - A fairy, Shakespeare.
74. Tryamon - Fairy princess, Arthurian legend.
75. Tunder - Fairy, Hungarian.
76. Win - Elf, English.


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