This is in continuation to my previous wryt-up. The reason this life-hack requires a complete new wryt-up is the immense amount of benefits it provides us, along with being mistaken to be something not good. Yes, this trait, signature to our minions, is sarcasm!
Dictionary defines sarcasm to be "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt". In simpler words, it refers to use of irony/satire to mock / convey contempt. Traditionally, sarcasm is looked down upon as a negative trait. Psychologist Clifford N. Lazarus even described sarcasm as "hostility disguised as humor".
Sarcasm, within limits and no offence taken to heart by the other person, is an asset. As the great wizard of words and wit, Oscar Wilde, once said, "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence."
The journal 'Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes' published a study highlighting the same . It tells us that a good dose of sarcasm is healthy because making and understanding sarcastic comments forces the brain to switch to abstract thinking. This, in turn, boosts creativity and problem-solving skills, enhancing one's ability to think new and novel ways to do something. That is, sarcasm is known to promote unorthodox, out of the box thinking skills.
Now, the extent of these merits aren't known. So, the safe thing is to maintain the balance between sweet and sour, i.e., safe and sarcastic.
In the end, here are some sarcastic quotes of our beloved minions, to add some spice to this sweet, informative piece :-
A perfect response to when someone curses you to go to hell -"Nope, can't go to hell. Satan still has that restraining order against me."
Here's a hilarious one - "I ain't no smarty, hot-shot person. I'm just a skilled, trained professional in pointing out the obvious. And I speak fluent sarcasm."
Now these are the words of a proud, sarcastic person - "I've decided to cut back on being sarcastic. I solemnly swear to be sarcastic on days which start only with T, such as Tuesday, Thursday........... Today and Tomorrow !"
This is something factual, "If you are funny, you're automatically 79% more attractive. Beauty fades but sarcasm is forever."