“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;” ~ Preamble of India.

23rd May 2019, marks the day that will determine whether the Modi government will come to power again. But by now, there’s not much left to determine. It has become quite obvious that BJP has reigned victorious yet again. As of now, BJP is leading in many states, and NDA has 345 seats under its wing. What is left to question now, is the credibility of the elections this time. Were the EVMs rigged? Did the Election Commission fail us this time? I think most of us know the answer to these questions. Many of us have failed our country, our democracy, those of us who did not seek to vote for the betterment for the country.

We did not have much to choose from either, did we? Two of the leading parties, undoubtedly let the country down. Their campaigning did not make any sense, neither did it bear any fruit for the citizens of India. People had to choose one from two men having a war of the words, and that could have never lead to a healthy competition. Now that we have reached this stage, we can only hope that the negative mindsets of the people change for the better. There are bigger issues to worry about than who eats what, or which religion does one belong to. The wave of communalism, and the lack of freedom in all aspects, be it speech or existence in general, for some groups, has corrupted the sanctity of the values this nation was originally built on. It is time to focus on the ever-growing climate emergency, extinction of animals, etc.

India, as a nation, has to accept whatever shall happen for the next five years. It is time for us to make some changes, because clearly expectations from the government only leads to disappointment. The past five years have been difficult for various minority groups and women, the next five years could be worse. And, while on many days it might feel like there is no hope left for the country, if everyone stands together, stands FOR each other, there can be hope for a better tomorrow.

