Not every Facebook or instagram post becomes epic or trending. The new world runs behind the posts and the likes. But is that what is only expected to happen in this modern developed world? Climb on to those buses that don’t stop you from your journey on in between your way to the destination.
The journey of life is like the skies, we believe about its existence and live and hence, the unlimited skies takes us to the ultimate journey through the destinations of life. The sky never stays blue and white with crystal clear clouds as always. It changes through the different forms. So does life. Every ups and down seems like the lightning, thunder and the changes of feelings that varies.
With every thunderstorm and the clear blue skies, from the sun rising in the east and setting in the west to the rise of the black beauty are the new chapters adding up to the book of life. The life of the sparkling world. With every essential changes that has occurred into the era of evolution to the changes that are to be written in the future as a history the world moves on, in each of its chapter. With the rising of the new chapters, new lives are added into it, and many removed at the same time. Are those the game of the souls and spirits within us ?
The cloud moves, so does the beauty of life. No matter what happens. No matter how ever strong the thunder might get to be, there is always calmness and peace after every disaster that occurs. And when life is in a strike against a lively life, the end to it is happiness. We see the sky with our own naked eyes. But we even know that the beautiful factor called sky doesn’t exist and it is far beyond our reach. But we still believe in its existence. That’s how problems in our lives are like. It’s the belief in our lives that makes us see the problems. Even when we know that the problem doesn’t exist we still believe that it is a trouble for us. It’s all about what we think and how we think about every matter. And hence think about those beliefs that give a positive effect on life. Learn to enjoy the dark in the darkness so that nothing seems like a nightmare even in darkness and in life.