GIMP is a free and open source that enables creation of various forks , derivatives and variables to fit the requirements of computer program creators.
GIMP is a very useful application that is easy to download and is the best application for those looking out to learn in Graphic Manipulation. It teaches the basics of image editing to provide professional like photographic images . It isan application that has been widely preferred by graphic designers, photo editors and all others aspiring to be the same. This is so because it is easy to use and highly effective in its application , it also helps in restoring the original image quality. GIMP stand for GNU Image Manipulation Program that can be expanded, molded and also customized for use. The user interface of the application uses a number of languages such as Spanish, English , Russian , Chinese, Portuguese etc.
There are a number of features of GIMP-
1. This application is very unique and can be used various operating systems such as Microsoft Windows , Linux, Mac Os, BSD, Solaris etc.
2. There are a number of tools within the application that help in image manipulation and work to bring out the best in the look , style and quality of the image .
3. The GIMP selection tool includes a number of tools such as rectangular and circular selection tools , free select tool and fuzzy select tool , all meant for editing purposes .
4. Features such as text layering enable the images to be manipulated with since the user can maneuver the given feature by adding or removing