Ethnic culture brings a new revolution in whole worldwide it influence the present trend of fashion and style among the generation , It's Growing culture represent the Indian style of art and craft not only in the Indian countryside but whole world rapidly started accepting the Indian art . Many youngster of foreign countries seem to bedressed with ethnic jewellery it gives the pure statement of revolution since there was a time when Indian people and it's culture , art considered as backward and old form of style by the foreign Invaders and now it's a time that the same foreign migrants are so fond of the culture.Basically ethnic jewellery welcome a sustainable way of fashion and culture. economical too it's a way of development . nowadays people are so obsessed with these jewel that cost much lesser than the gold and diamond and also taken in a positive sense of fashion .inspite of wearing gold , platinum and diamond people especially youngster and even aged girls would refer to have these ethnic jewels.Economically scale also rich a high level of development as many small scale industries who made these sort of jewellery increased , employment increased . Household women got new opportunities of Making jewellery . high population of women are indulge in these jobs .moreover this particular culture is benefited by both customer and makers and also it spreads a symbol of unity and statement of reserving the old art of culture of Indian society .