Has The Human Race Evolved Completely?

Swagata Laxmi Sengupta
Apr 12, 2019   •  39 views

We have entered the third millennium still we have still we have not been able to solve the biggest mystry of life - the origin of life. In the past previous 50 years or so a series of our most brilliant men have been struggeling hard to form a universally acceptable theory on the origin of life - but all in vain. Inspite of our best efforts we have not been able to create the first speck of life nor have been able to put forward an alternative theory.

If we take a broad look at the things happening in the universe, we can find three aspects standing out- logic, symmetry and repetition( cyclic). All said and done there is defenite logic in everything around us.

When we put things historically together we see a periodicity and logic behind each of the events. There is always a certain direction but we fail to identify it momentarily but we realise it historically.

All these years we have thought that a spark of light on a group of organic matter might have created the first spark of life however we have not been able to recreate it inspite of any effects. All these while the theory that has got universal acceptance is the Darwin's theory of evolution of mankind. Save for the fundamentals almost the entire world has accepted it to be true. Interestingly the oldest surviving religion Hinduism covers it well in its various scriptures and beliefs.

Evolution of life so far has been highly logical and so far documented. It leaves very little room for doubts and disbeliefs. A whole lot of living things have evolved and the spectrum is mind blowing. What we need to look at now, as members of mankind is about our evolution in the last two millennium.

It is very important to do so because of these three questions.

Have we evolved to a desirable direction so far?
Who is at the forefront of this evolution chain right now?
Where do we go from here?

Opinions may varry among scientists but the most important question is that who is leading the evolutionary chain? This is important because a whole lot depends on these evolutionary leaders( not revolutionary) as to where we are headed for. If we think Americans are leading then it is one direction and if we think North Koreans then it is another. Also depending on whether it is the black, white or the brown men. Individually also it is important as to point ourt role models to our children.

It is a universal law that when nothing else seems working, the nature takes its own course. This phenomenon can take any form visulally a massive earthquake, an epidemic or a black hole. As it hs always been proven, only th efittest will survive but the fittest may not necessarily be the mightiest.

