In India,based on caste,religion and gender a percentage of seats are reserved for religious minorities,scheduled castes(SC) and Scheduled tribes (ST) in educational instituitions,govt jobs,and legislature. Now the question which arises is, is it really necessary to have reservation system in this modern society? This controversial topic is discussed in all part of the country from tea stall to parliament.
In olden days the people of backward classes or lower castes were badly harassed and discriminated. To uplift this discrimination reservation system was implemented. In rural areas of our country even today we find people of lower castes are getting discriminated and not getting equal opportunities. But the unfortunate thing is the reservation system was made on caste basis and not on the basis of economic condition. At that point of time it was easy to recognize the under priviledged people on the caste basis. But the picture has changed drastically now.Every system has both pros and cons.
Lets get to know about few incidents which will soften our stubborn concept of 'reservation system is a curse'.
In 2018 an incidence took place in Sitapur district of UP. In an elementary school the cook became sick and was replaced by a temporary cook,but the students of that school protested that they won't eat the cooked food. Reason? The temporary cook was Dalit.
Another incident of 2018 took place in Udaipur. The cook of a preliminary school threw away the mid-day meal,because a Dalit student accidentally touched it.
Few days ago a pitiful incident took place in UP . A Dalit woman was killed with her unborn child because she mistakenly touched a dustbin of higher caste.
These are some of the instances which weaken the roots of our stubborn belief that 'reservation system is a curse'. After getting to know about these incidents we are bound realize that equality is still a distant goal or dream of our country.
But is the reservation system the ultimate solution to omit this discriminations?
The answer is certainly " NO". Because this system actually has more cons than pros,which means it is having an adverse negative effect on our country's people and development. I certainly don't support this reservation system,and I will discuss the cons of the reservation system in the next part.