She is a person who is full of dreams and desires. She is packed with positivity in heart and mind. Her purpose of living is to make others happy and help as many people as she can in her life-time. She is ready to face any obstacle that comes in her life path and has the bravery to break up the obstacle to attain success in life. She is a torchbearer to her family and friends. Her circle of friends is a cute little world where each person shower their immense love and support towards her. She ensures that little world called ‘FRIENDS’ is happy and relieves them of their grief. At times, there arises a situation in her life, where her life is in do or die situation. Most of the times the angels from her FRIENDS world appear at the right moment to save her, but this time she is standing all alone and her heart is Locked for a Reason which cannot be revealed. Will her untold reason be unlocked???
This is the condition faced by women folks in the society. Though they are the pillars to the society, they are put into crucial situations where no one comes to save them. She has the ability to create as well as destroy; but many a times her patience is tested. She stands and shares her shoulders to the people who are in need of her at the right time but when the situation is vice-versa, she is left to suffer all alone.
A woman's motto in life as Einstein says, “Only a Life lived for others is a Life worthwhile”. This is the motto followed by women folks and because of that they are not able to achieve their self-identity in life. So, this should should be of an enormous support to unlock the hidden dreams of every women and her wings fly high in the sky. If women attains freedom then the whole universe will be filled with the bliss and blessings from the eternal one above!!!