Stop Brushing Off To Start Brushing

Srinidhi Anand
May 20, 2019   •  5 views

What If I Love To Paint?

When you are an art lover, you will become one. Yeah! My art lovers. Art exists in every form. If you, my reader is one of them, then this is the place where you can have the heart to follow art as your career. No career is bad unless we make it. Yes! Every career will be fun if we love them,but loving them is what we decides.

If you have the heart to paint anything you see, feel etc., never ever brush it off. Painting is an art of expressing one’s emotions or the way to voice out your opinions and your love for the things you love. Painting is also mentally a recreation.

In the world we follow many styles of painting.The education is wide improved to be beneficial to get a degree in the painting. We might have come across the term “Äesthetics” which means the study of art and beauty. The painting needs imaginative thinking and creative mind.

Painting Styles

Painting styles refer to the stye of the individual’s painting method or one’s artwork. Various painting types:

  • Watercolor painting

  • Ink wash painting

  • Oil painting

  • Pastel color painting

  • Abstract painting

  • Acrylic painting

  • Glass painting

  • Fresco

  • Gouache -- an opaque painting method

Likewise, many styles are practiced in India.

Watercolor Painting

This type of painting is done with the help of water and pigments are soluble. The painting is done with the help of many styles of brushes. This kind of painting is also called as brush painting.

Pastel Color Painting

This type of painting is done with sticks. The kids usually starts to draw using sticks. This is the simple way of drawing and remains for the longer days.

Ink Wash Painting

The way of this painting is using various ink with different brush densities. It takes lot of effort and time to get it stunning. It is irreversible painting. Once it created, changes can’t be made easily.

Oil Painting

Drying oil is used as a binder to painting. This seems messy but sometimes made it to stand out from other paintings. Originated in India and China but recognized across various countries.

Acrylic Painting

This type of painting use pigments in acrylic polymer emulsion. The pigments are naturally water soluble. But the speciality is, it is water resistant after it is painted. It takes less time to get dried than water or oil paintings.

Abstract Painting

Most fascinated one because of its outstanding feature. This breaks away from the traditional way of painting to relate the color and form of the images. It is non representational painting.

Each painting is unique and have some pros and cons and beautiful in their own way.

Latest or we can say the recent style in painting is of digital painting, Encaustic painting and virtual art Where the painting is done using digital tools. Virtual art is nothing but made with digital human machine interface tools. These includes position sensors, generation of three dimensional sound etc,

  • Digital painting is one of the recent developments in the painting works. In this type of painting, the traditional art styles like water, oil etc., are applied using digital means like stylus, computer etc.,the computer software used for this type of painting are photoshop, Artrage 5, art weaver 6, clip studio paint etc., . many websites started to improve the digital painting technique.

  • Virtual art is the trendy post-convergent art form where virtual tools are in the play to create the beautiful virtual art works. Virtual art is available in the virtual worlds. The best example we come across is avatar, second life, sims, final fantasy etc, their growth is evolved from 8 bit representation to 3D models. They help people to live the virtual life. It is developed using many computer programs.

Encaustic Painting And Kalamkari Paintings

Encaustic painting is the one of the oldest yet still followed using various ways. The hot beeswax is used to paint. Nowadays, electric iron, hotpates are used as paints to create encaustic painting since it gains more patterns easier. They are gained their origin from greek. Its dimension quality and luminous color attracts the people.

Kalamkari painting works are the pen works where the different style of painting is famous in the designing part. The pen work is way too stylish and also applied in the dress materials.Only natural dyes are used here. It is a handwritten artwork.

Leonardo Da Vinci And His MonaLisa Work

The artists who excelled in painting are many more. One ofthe world’s painting work is Mona lisa painting. The most sung about, most famous in the world. It earned the guiness record for its aesthetic values. The most valuable work of the artist, Leonardo da Vinci, who gifted this painting to his ma dona (his wife).

The painting is done in the year of 1503 perhaps continuing till 1517. Leonardo is the italian polymath of the renaissance interested on the areas like mathematics, engineering, science, painting, drawing, sculpting, architecture and music.

He is known as the father of paleontology and the greatest painter of all time. He is known for his unquenchable curiosity and at age 14, he was apprenticed in Verrocchio's workshop. His professional life revolves around many universally accepted paintings like

  • The Last Supper (c. 1495–98)

  • Vitruvian Man (c. 1490)

  • The Virgin of the Rocks (c. 1483–86)

  • Head of a Woman (1500–10)

  • Lady with an Ermine (c. 1489–91)

  • Salvator Mundi (c. 1500)

  • Ginevra de’ Benci (c. 1474/78)

  • The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne (c. 1503–19)

His painting works made on the variety of surfaces mostly on wet-plaster or stone wall. He is the master in chiaroscuro (meaning ‘light/dark’). Yeah! his work depicts light and shadow and won’t be in richer hue. As he himself mentioned in his notebooks,

"Your shadows and lights should be blended without lines or borders in the manner of smoke losing itself in the air.”

He always believed that he is connected to science and nature. He followed the “sfumato” technique of painting.

The facts which makes us to inspire him are…
he wrote the text in reverse manner. He believed there is no barrier between science and art. He never finished the Mona lisa painting. He dissected corpses since he had interest in human anatomy. So he is not only a painter, but also an architect well scientist and engineer.

Thus, I conclude here, to think and if interested read about the persons you inspire in your life.Well, everyone is unique and have one choice to make their life beautiful in their own way. Try it and prove ourselves that we are the best in what we choose!!!

