Is anyone there who doesn't love a ghost story that sends a chill down the spins in the middle of summer's heat? But at times, we ponder : Do ghosts really exist?

People have different opinions on this. Some believe ghosts exist while some don't. But science has always stuck to the belief that ghosts don't exist and it has provided us with enough evidences to believe so.

So, are you ready for some spooky discussion?
Let's look at some scientific explanations to supernatural incidents:

  • Placebo effect

Scientists say mostly it's all in the head. People expect something eerie to happen and they imagine what they expect to see. This is called placebo effect.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

Many of the people who claim to have experienced such incidents say that they heard the furniture move around, strange voices in night, feeling the presence of invisible specters, being held down in bed by ghosts, feeling weak and the like. These can be explained as aural and visual hallucinations case due to excessive carbon monoxide in the blood.

  • Pulse magnetic fields

It has been proved that pulsed magnetic fields, imperceptible on a conscious level, can make people feel as if there is an invisible presence in the room.

  • The moulds

The mould that we get to see in haunted places also have a lot to add to the eeriness of the situation. It has been proven that the moulds can cause symptoms like irrational fear and dementia.

  • Infrared radiations

And then we have infrasound which can cause distinct physiological discomfort. It can cause bizarre sensations like feeling uneasy or getting chills down the spine.

  • Preconceived notions

If someone else confidently asserts that they saw the ghost, it might influence a fellow eyewitness to believe they saw it, too.

  • Motivational reasons

People want to believe in the existence of ghosts. They want to believe in life even after death and hence, they came up with ghosts. And we find it much easier to believe evidence for something we want to believe anyway.

Some other incidents can also be explained scientifically. For example, the appearance of the will-o'-wisp. Will-o'-wisps which are widely to ghosts, fairies and spirits, are atmospheric ghost lights seen by travellers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes. Modern science often explains them as natural phenomena such as bioluminescence or chemiluminescence, caused by the oxidation of phosphine (PH3), diphosphane (P2H4), and methane (CH4) produced by organic decay.

But anyways, even if we know ghosts don't exist, still we can feel goosebumps on our body and a chill down our spine when we read or listen to a ghost story. Ghost or no ghost, we all love ghost stories, don't we?



Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Great one ! Add image in thumbnail while editing article. Your article will be more attractive.