What Brings Youth On The Verge Of Professional Life?

Souromita Roy
May 22, 2019   •  20 views

Youth tend to approach work from the 3 perspectives. The 1st is looking on work as a `job` to be performed for monetary gains. The 2nd as a Career, where attention is focused on career advancement, status and power. The last is looking on work as a calling where all attention is focused on the work and for the satisfaction it brings. Oprah Winfrey rightly said, “If you do the work you love, and the work fulfils you, the rest will come”. Unfortunately, the real trouble today is that we do not enjoy our work.Our perspective towards it is either as a job or as a career and not as a calling. Its is because of this we find young minds suffering from early burnouts. This is due to tension and stress at the workplace, ultimately leading to deadly diseases like brain stroke $ heart attack.

He trend is all pervasive, for our outlook towards life is highly materialistic.

We giving too much importance to monetary, gains, status etc. thus we find office worker more concerned about his emoluments and career rather than doing justice to his work by enhancing its quality. A major cause for his plethora of job opportunities available to the youth today. It is quite common to find young executives carrying appointment letters from two to three companies, while going to work. This may give them the flexibility of choice but it makes them less committed to the work they are presently doing, often making it uninteresting for them. Their frequent job hopping, in search of greener pastures are the root cause of stress and tension.

Organisations are also to blame for this malady. They fail to make the work interesting for the employees. This could be done by removing monotony and upgrading skills, through training and development. Often one finds people working in organisations which remind us of a proverb “square pegs in round holes”. Thus people who have no eye for detail, are found working as quality control inspectors, while introverts people are working in sales $ marketing. Such mismatch of work and personality can never make the employee enjoy his work.

Coming to an conclusion, there is an immediate need to view work in the proper perspective. One should choose the work which meet our aspiration and not for extraneous factors.“Life is a journey, not a destinat


