Window shopping, sometimes called browsing, refers to an activity in which a consumer browses through or examines a store's merchandise as a form of leisure or external search behaviour without a current intent to buy. Most men mistakenly assume that you look into show windows to find something to buy. Women know better. They enjoy window-shopping for its own sake. Store windows, when you look into them with pleasure-seeking eyes, are strange places full of mental adventure. They contain first clues to dozens of treasure hunts which if you follow them, lead to as many different varieties of treasure. Such a statement may be taken as a joke or laughed at, but make no mistake, in most cases they are true.

Jokes aside, Window shopping was synonymous with being in the city and moreover offered women a legitimate reason to be able to move around in public without a caretaker of sorts in there late 1800's, a time when the males liked down upon acts of females going out into the public without a male chaperone, in order to browse, as something unsightly and intrusive.

Knowing the value of a product and doing your homework is not only important when making large purchases like a car, furniture or antiques, but also bedding. Why you may ask? Because bedding comes in all price points, sold in many retail locations and comes in a variety of fabrics and thread counts. So it only makes sense that womenfolk would take to window displays on shops to browse through such collections of bedding, garments and whatever ware a shop may have to offer in order to inspect and better understand the subtleties before they purchase. In some cases, it is a preparation of sorts for a purchase yet to come, while for others it is purely of entertainment purposes.

Some people find it boring to go shopping alone, It’s surprising how many interesting conversations you can have over something as simple as window shopping. Explore the mall with friends or loved ones, try different wears, accessories and gossip about items that are gorgeous. The holiday season is another great time to view the displays, since they usually have fun themes and creative window paintings. If you are making a shopping list or planning on making purchases, window shopping let’s you walk the length of the downtown area and see everything there is to offer, without busting your wallet on the first few stores you encounter.

