The time of the year when winter chills are finally been replace by the spring breeze and warm sunlight. The day when you don’t feel bad or angry, more like not allowed. Anyone will do what they want and you do what you want, the end result is laughter.
Xinmo’s aunt came running yelling my father’s name, looking very nervous and scared she said, “Hey, you need to get up fast, your brother is in pain and he is calling you. Come Fast!” It was barely 6:30 in the morning and she came running to our house. Xinmos’ father’s brother lived with his family in the next house and was neighbors. Everyone got up nervous and scared so they all went out rushing towards the house on the other plot.
The sky wasn’t up clearly yet, a bit of the ray was just touching the mountains. The moment they entered the house, Xinmo’s aunt started laughing, everyone turned their head towards her and the man on the bed. Her uncle and aunt pranked them. “April Fool!” they said and all those present started laughing.
Nobody gave a thought on the day since the pranked seemed so real. The whole family was there talking for more than an hour. Sleep gone miles away, they prepared for school.
Yes, it is the first day of April, the Flower April Day (Just Kidding). It is the April Fool's Day. Fool as in Phool in Hindi means Flower so basically you become a Flower on 1st April so nobody feels bad.
Xinmo was now planning for her great journey to the school. The moment she entered her class, a guy came and said, “Your shoelaces are untied.” Xinmo looked at him grinning and said, “Yeah! I know I am a flower. I wear a buckle shoe dude. Instead, your shoelaces are loose for real. Check it!” walking pass him, she turned back and saw the guy actually looking down. She went back and said, “Oi, April Fool. That is the most common prank how could you fall for it!? And you even tried it on me! Haha...” Laughing loudly she went to her seat and kept her bag.
Along the April Fool's Day, it was the school Foundation Day and the teachers were mostly busy. The students came only for the blessings. But something clicked the wires of Xinmo’s brain. She stormed out of the classroom and started looking for someone. She spotted the person that was her Physics teacher. She walked towards him and said with a serious face, “Sir! The principal is looking for you. I don’t know the reason but it seems urgent. Maybe the blessings are starting with the teachers.” The teacher believed her and why wouldn’t he? She was a good student and she was helping the principal a while ago, before going to the class.
The teacher went towards the principal and they were talking. While Xinmo was following and controlling her smile. When the teacher turned towards her, she said, “April Fool” and ran away.
After which she pranked a lot of the students and almost fell for the simplest and she pulled most off easily with the tag of blessing and that she is a captain.
It was the Flower, April Fool's Day and everyone enjoyed fooling one another.