Life can take turns over happiness and sadness. One can never guess the change that is there to come for us. Xinmo was walking to her school in a very bad mood. Sometimes you just wake up annoyed without anyone or anything to do make you become so. She was thinking why actually was she been a brat!?

She reached her class and she still felt the irritation in her veins. Before the assembly starts they had SUPW so she went for that. There all of a sudden she felt the feeling sweep away. She felt a smile curve up her lips. It was her friends all trying to cheat away from the work and Xinmo didn’t want the bad aura to be spread to her friends.

She joined them in the mission of not working and started having fun, in a matter of minutes the bell for the assembly rang and they began to wash their clean hands. They walked towards the assembly ground after washing and “Hhmm...” breathed in Xinmo.

She almost touched her face with a boy. The tap area had a lot of people and Xinmo was lucky to meet him. It was like in Shoujo Mangas’, such an incident with him was super rare and the day that started as an annoying one turned happy.

