“Rub Rub” the sound of the broom on the carpet came. It was a weekend and my eldest sister is sweeping. She is slim and tiny and people say that she can fit in us younger sister’s bulging lap-say tummies; an irony in itself.

We had planned to go out to buy a new pair of glass for us sisters. Our family is specs family, genes it is! Although mum and brother is not in that gene. Due to the Cyclone Fani, it’s raining very heavily so we had decided not to go. Apparently, the rain wanted us to be drenched by it, and so the gas supply at home was almost over and we needed to go change it or else we wouldn’t be having supper.

Mum and dad are out somewhere and my eldest took the initiative to drive. Dad said that he would meet us there at the station to change the gas. So we started, finding some vehicles parked at the sides of the road making the already existing traffic heavy with the rain. Duh! As she is, my sister nearly stopped the car in the middle of the road.

Dad took over the work of changing the gas and we came back home since it was raining and the queue was everlasting. The rain was getting heavier by the day and it was getting scarier the winds were turning into a storm. It reminded me of the news we watched the day before; thousands of people evacuating their dearest homes and belongings.

We were home and the night fell, the rain and storm are presenting their enormous skills making us fear it. We locked and closed all the windows and any space that could make us aware of the strong forces outside. The storm got bigger and now we are praying the almighty mantras, getting together in the living room which was designed at the centre of our home. That space could lessen the effect of the fear from the storm.

Though the noise was not very audible in the living room, the house was feeling the effect of nature. It was moving! Literally a bit shaky and we were out of our wits, DEAD was the only thought that came. Our aluminium roof shingles were blown off and we are now staring at the bare roof. God Bless it was just the shingles, we are safe. After the dangerous storm things, nature calmed down. Everything is okay and we started the renovation of our house.

Mother Earth is loving and giving but sometimes who knows who angers her, the results are nerve-wracking even taking some breath away. Natural Calamities is what her anger is called and how far can she take it.



Profile of Sonam Dekiey
Sonam Dekiey  •  5y  •  Reply
Yeah, I am trying to do so.. .
Profile of Arnab Das
Arnab Das  •  5y  •  Reply
Can you write interesting episodes like netflix?