Zero-Size Intelligence: A Small Chip For Big Technological World!

May 06, 2019   •  233 views

Hello My Dearest Realme Fans,

Technology is taking big leaps these day, the more the technology is advancing the more human life is simplified. By the way do you know Technology upgrades every 11 minutes (yeah that's true). So in this world of technology we have been getting tons and tons of new gadgets be it a small drone or big machines, everything is upgrading. Gauging the eventual fate of innovation is for visionaries who want to develop better apparatuses for the standard individuals who would like to profit by the as good as ever. Numerous developments are conceived in the lab and never make it into the end user, while others advance past the pace of putting great directions on their utilization.

In this technological world comes a new phase, "Zero-size Intelligence". I am pretty sure you must be thinking that a "ZERO"? That means is it actually useful or it has got 0 features? Well, let me explain every bit of it in thorough such that you get to know what exactly is "Zero-size Intelligence". So let's BEGIN!

Zero-size Intelligence - The Meaning

In spite of the fact that this term has the word 'zero' which commonly gives a negative vibe, this is much the inverse in technical terms. It is something that how small can your next computer be? Back in the mid 1900s Computers began off being the span of a room. Gradually with time, they bit by bit wound up smaller and turned out into a smaller computer with a wide range of parts. It not something that could fit around your work area, also if you want in on your lap, and on your palm as well. With the time being, it is possible that within 10 years' time computers or chips will be so small that you could introduce them anyplace; be it your clothes, a teacup or on a human! A ROBOT!

Many scientists have anticipated that the shirking of computer size would likewise prompt the finish of something many refer to as Moore's Law. Gordon E. Moore, one of the co-founder of Intel. He broadly predicted that at regular intervals the quantity of transistors on a chip will generally double every 2 years. As the computer minds have reduced in size with a few models controlled by only five iotas and one-molecule advancements around 10 to 20 years not far off getting smaller may achieve an endpoint as nuclear transistors supplant chips. Whether the low cost will trickle down despite the high cost of innovating such small transistors remains aBIG QUESTION!

So coming up to REAL question, do you think that Zero-size intelligence will take a big leap in the world of technology making everything compact and tiny! Do let me know in the comments below!

