It's said," words kill us when uttered by humans. Words heal when written by poets."
Although I never cared about my writing skills but its said that situation teaches us every little thing and so happened with me.

I write because I don't have anyone to share my feelings with. I write because it gives me courage to think that their is someone who can never cheat me. And so paper and pen have become my best buddies.Writing gives me that intense happiness for which their is no count.

Writing supports me every now and then and help me to become courageous whenever I feel low. Thus helps me overcome my loneliness. I write because it relieves me from pain, that pain which is not physical but mental because of which I started my writing. And dear readers I do love this pain as it keeps my writing alive .

For me writing is that feeling of joy which is "infinity to the power infinity". Though, it sounds strange but because of this I can enjoy my life to the utmost level and I'm happy for that.

And when "First time I held the pen to express, my hands were violating me to write and my heart was vibrant. And in that moment , I told myself "let it flow". Thus , these are the reason which makes me alive and my writing as well.

And yes writing is my soul , passion and life too because writing is my ultimate trap and dear readers its my first love too.



Profile of Sachin Garia
Sachin Garia  •  6y  •  Reply
Soul touching
Profile of Harish Kandpal
Harish Kandpal  •  6y  •  Reply