This Means That You Are A Lisztomaniac.

Siddhant Aggarwal
Apr 13, 2019   •  741 views

Doesn't matter if you are amidst a crowd unknown,
Doesn't matter if you are standing here alone.
"You are tangled in your earphones. Anti-social."
Look who is talking about depths. Superficial.
An hour without music, followed by panic attacks,
We live on beats, For we are Lisztomaniacs.

You must have never heard of this word before - Lisztomania. If we go by the archaic meaning, it was a fan frenzy directed towards the life of Hungarian composer Franz Liszt. Didn't really get it? Let's derive today's meaning. It means a constant urge to listen to music all the time. Woah! That's some understandable English. How can someone listen to music all the time? -When even your soul is an introvert. When you hate humans, or human shaped snakes, you rely on immaterial friends. One such is invisible savior is Music.

You plug in your earphones, play a song, and you pause the whole world. There might be thoughts that can take you to a different path. There might be voices that can echo in your ears and haunt you. There might be people who have only bads to offer to your ears. Who wants that? It's better to listen to some Coldplay, than someone useless. Music when reaches your mind, not only calms your tremors, but it brings in positivity. While many people listen to it in free time, so just free their time from it.

Music binds you with your soul. Music takes you to a world where you make the rules. Music sometimes conveys our inner most thoughts. Fun Fact- We often like those songs, whose lyrics convey something that we can't say. A Lisztomaniac will have a separate playlist for every ocassion. He even makes separate playlist for Jazz, one for Rock, one for Pop and so on. This is because he wouldn't want to hear a Rock song when his mood is a bit lethargic. They even have songs from latest to oldest. Collections for them are like goldmines. Indeed, they are the keepers of it. Because music might be copper for some, silver for some. But for many like us, it is nothing but a gold.

While many people feel music is overrated. Well, the beats haven't touched your heart right now. Wait for them to caress your skin, wait till they flow in your veins. The moment they hit your soul, but with a subtleness, you will realise that music is your place of solace. And this will make you a Lisztomaniac.

