How To Know If Someone Is Lying

Shweta Dubey
Mar 14, 2019   •  212 views

How to know if someone is lying

Have you ever lied to or cheated on someone? According to the reports, 99% of the people spoke lie at least once in their life. So, if you feel that you are being cheated by someone or the person is lying to you just check out these techniques to save yourself from the bluff.

Brief involuntary facial expression

Involuntary expressions are those that do not remain for a long time and flickers for a few seconds usually when a person tells lie. It is an instant reaction, representing the liar in distress condition with his eyebrows raised to the mid of the forehead creating short lines on the forehead.

Observe their Stature

People are more inclined toward touching their nose and covering their mouth when they are lying. This generally happens due to a rush of adrenaline to the capillaries in the nose, causing the nose to itch. Thus, next time when you come across such situation remember this but make sure that the person is not suffering from cold and flu.

Overstated Truthfulness

Be careful when the person tries to explain to you in an exaggerated manner. If on intriguing about a simple topic you receive numerous responses then remember that you are being told a lie. For instance, did you like the cake which I made for you? And the person replies as yes, I loved it. It was awesome and I had finished it the day itself when you gave me and so on.

Vocal Ambiguity

Notice how a person talks and his tone changes when he/she answers your question. Certainly, the persons voice changes. You can hear an oscillation in his tone due to stress and pressure. There are some who stammer when they lie but it is not true in every case.

Eye fluctuations and movement

Eye direction is not a perfect representation of the truthfulness but some techniques do work to find out whether the person is a liar or not. If a person is lying then their eyelid blinks faster than the normal blinks. Additionally, they start itching their eyes in an unusual way.

Answering questions in an absurd way

This can be a hint for you to recognize if a person is lying. Pay attention to his words when he is cut shorts his language and speaks in sarcasm. Liars tend to provide you short answers to avoid any further questions and take a safe side. They generally use the keywords lie, to be honest, frankly speaking, to claim their honesty. And, most importantly when you question they ask you in return, "where did you get this data from and who told you this"?

Therefore, next time when you encounter such situations be alert and have faith in your instincts.



Profile of Rishabh
Rishabh  •  5y  •  Reply
yes its nice...
Profile of Salony Kumari
Salony Kumari  •  5y  •  Reply
Nyc one !