Beware of Writers.
They can put you in their books
You’ll never realize the matter—
Until they publicize their grudge against you!

Sorry to frighten you, readers, but it’s a fact.

Other people too share my opinion, it seems! ;)

Writing is like any other art, take for example painting. An artist either observes objects or people or gets inspired by nature by having it for a company before she sets out to draw or paint. Similarly, a writer has to make deep observations on the various kinds of people around him and has to take time to reflect upon it in order to create a new character.

Sometimes we just meet people by chance and then as writers, tend to think of what interesting characters they would make, with their own peculiarities. It's true of all writers, trust me, even though it kind of indicates that writers are judgemental people—which is actually somewhat correct if it comes to me!

Even if you think characters are created from out of the blue, i.e. just from the author’s imagination, then think again—imagination is once more a part of his brain, from where subconscious influences from real life experiences can make themselves felt in the subtlest and minutest form in a character he drafts.

So next time you're angry with someone, don't go writing a story with a similar character in it and vent out your frustrations on the poor fictional being! Because somehow that person will identify himself, and then you might land in big trouble. Or maybe you could make sure they never see it, instead.

Don't blame me for promoting sadistic views, now!

It is also interesting to note that not only does the observation of other real people help the writer, but some part of her own also seeps into it; it doesn't matter if she is writing from another’s perspective.

It is said that Creations always carry a part of the Creator in them. I have been told many times, from my friends and readers, that they can see me in the protagonists of my own stories. And that too is said by some people who have only ever interacted with me online!

I think that it’s a very wonderful thing, how unintentionally a writer’s own self somehow finds its way into her stories without making her realize so but still is clearly apparent to everyone else who knows her even a bit!

But the greatest perk of being a writer is knowing that there are so many people out there who value you and your thoughts enough to give their time to it. Yes, I'm talking about you, my reader. Without you, there would be no writer at all, because when we express ourselves, we do it for people to respond to it and appreciate or question it—that is the basic idea behind all communication processes, and writing is no different.

Hence, dedicating this piece to all my loyal readers and supporters of my literary ambitions. Cheers to your enthusiasm and optimism that keeps me going even in my darkest times. I really can't thank you enough!!

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Profile of Shruti Sinha
Shruti Sinha  •  4y  •  Reply
Thanks! :D
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  4y  •  Reply
Haha i relate to every point. Good one.