Let's Know More About The World Of Crime

Shriya Kataria
Mar 31, 2019   •  106 views

Fall prey to money: White Collar Crimes- A term coined by SociologistEdwin Sutherland, involve crime committed through deceit and motivated by financial gain. The most common white collar crimes are various types of fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering. Financial crimes are not limited to Wall Street and corporate boardrooms. A crime becomes 'white collar crime' when the person or persons accused of illegal activity are professionals in business, particularly finance, or government. 'Red collar crime'is a sub-group of whitecollar crimein which the perpetrator uses violence to avoid detention or prosecution. Thecrimestypically consist of forgery, insider trading, fraud, or embezzlement etc. The events ofBreaking Bad illustrates how anentrepreneur can become entangled with the world of crime.

Blue collar Crimes- Again a crime but the culprit is different. Such crimes are committed by the individuals of the lower social class as opposed to the white collar crimes. These crimes include but are not limited to: Narcotic production or distribution, sexual assault, theft, burglary, murder etc.

Pink Collar Crimes- Thanks to the new CBS true crime show, Pink collar crimes, for highlighting this concept. Pink collar crimes are crimes committed by women who are housewives, PTA moms, school volunteers or any other women. These crimes are different from other forms of criminal activity as they don't involve murder or violence.

Green Collar Crimes- A crime committed against the environment (nature), in the sense that the act is illegal by the country's law, or a moral crime that may not be illegal, for instance, deforestation and illegal logging, both of which harm trees and the surrounding environment, including the wildlife.

The more and more our nation is developing, the crimes are also increasing, many folds. India has an efficient legal system but all we need is a proper check upon it's implementation because these crimes not only effect an individual but the entire nation.



Profile of Prithvi Raj Chauhan
Prithvi Raj Chauhan  •  6y  •  Reply
It's a pitty we live among such criminals but only we can provide justice to them.