Calligraphy is beautiful and difficult art. But can be mastered with some practice and hardwork. It doesn't mean you need to have an beautiful handwriting to learn calligraphy. All it needs is the control of pressure over your hand, and you are ready to create stunning patterns. Here are some common misconceptions people have regarding calligraphy.

1. Calligraphy is just writing beautifully.

No, it is not that simple to define Calligraphy. It is a form of creating artistic symbols and arranging them in a way that weaves into a harmonious, well composed, creative form. It uses thin and thick lines with varied degree of pressure all in a single stroke. Down strokes are thick and up strokes are thin and light. Calligraphic letters and pages are usually decorated with gold, colours, patterns etc.

2. Calligraphy is a font style

It is the biggest misconception; Calligraphy is considered a font style by many people which is wrong. A font style have specific way of writing letters whereas in Calligraphy you can write letters the way you want. It does not have to be in a particular font.

3. Calligraphy is hand lettering

Hand lettering is a vast discipline than Calligraphy. It includes every hand written form that uses font styles. All same alphabets should look similar, but in Calligraphy it is your choice to make your letters as much aesthetic you want.

4. It is just a old style of writing

It is true to some extent as Calligraphy has evolved from vast writing heritage. But with time these styles have changed a lot. Now calligraphy is much more simple and less ornate. But that doesn't mean historical styles are no more used. Those decorative letters have their own charm and will never be forgotten.


It is a modified form of Calligraphy. Typography is the style and appearance of printed alphabets. Letters can be arranged in varing shapes and sizes to make it look pleasing and easy to read. It is used mainly in digital art. Creating patterns, text for advising and Branding to gather more people also requires the knowledge of typography.

Some other myths are-

1. Calligraphy is just a hobby? No! It is a professional art and you can actually earn a lot.

2. Lefties cannot do calligraphy? That is wrong practice will always make you perfect.

3. Any paper and ink will do? No, there are calligraphy pens and brushes that will help you. It will make each symbol more beautiful.

4. You need to have a great handwriting to learn calligraphy? No, as I said before calligraphy and hand writting are not related.

So I hope the article has helped you know about the art in detail.



Profile of Shreya Jindal
Shreya Jindal  •  5y  •  Reply
Thankyou so much 😄
Profile of Priya Priya
Priya Priya  •  5y  •  Reply
nice work!