Белая береза
Под моим окном
Принакрылась снегом,
Точно серебром.
На пушистых ветках
Снежною каймой
Распустились кисти
Белой бахромой.
И стоит береза
В сонной тишине,
И горят снежинки
В золотом огне.
А заря, лениво
Обходя кругом,
Обсыпает ветки
Новым серебром.
Direct translation
White birch
Under my window
Covered in snow
Similarly, silver.
On the fluffy branches
Snow Border
Paint brushes
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In the golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Circling around
Sprinkle branches
New silver.
This poem was written by Sergey Esenin. This poem shows the beauty of mother Russia in winters. It depicts various imageries formed by the Birch tree during winters and how it is an ornament in Russian winters. The poem shows how a birch tree looks very beautiful in winters. The snow looks like silver on birch tree. The poet views the birch tree through his window. He is lost in its mesmerizing beauty. This poem can also depict temperaments of a women as her moods shift. We see a shift of mood when poet recreats the image of how the birch tree's leaves look like they are burning when sunlight falls on them.