Is Twin Telepathy A Real Story?

Shinjini Dey
Jun 15, 2019   •  13 views

Well, we all know that twins all over the world have a connection with their twin sibling, and that connection could simply be of blood. But evidence suggests that there can be a greater connection which we call "Twin Telepathy." So what does Twin Telepathy exactly means? Twin Telepathy is a connection that is shared between twin siblings and it has been documented by scientists and researchers alike. There's also a substantial amount of data to support the existence of this phenomenon. However, irrespective of such supporting data, a large number of people have experienced, and even a larger number of people believe in the congenital ability of the mind to send and receive signals. It is through telepathy that a twin can sense what the other twin is thinking or feeling, even if they are not together. Thus, it acts as a sixth sense between the twins.

Twin telepathy is a phenomenon that has mystified people for ages. Although this is not scientifically proven that whether it is real or it's just a misconception, it is true that there are still definite signs that it exists. About one out of every thirty babies born is a twin, and among them identical twins are especially interesting because they have the same genes and are alike in many ways. Even it is believed that some twins claim to know what the other is thinking or feeling. But what's exactly the truth behind it ? A coincidence or psychic powers? A study was conducted by Robert Sommer, Lucille Pancyr, Osmond. They interviewd pairs of twins to determine if they ever experienced twin telepathy, and at the end of the study, 14 out of 34 said they could communicate telepathically. In another incident, a girl said to have broken her ankle in a bike accident. When asked her twin, she reported to have swelling on the identical ankle from which her sister broke. So the question that arises- "Is twin telepathy just a myth?" Considering that there is no scientific evidence, some people would say it is because there is not enough thorough evidence to support the theory of Twin Telepathy. Though the closest evidence we have that is brain waves showing similar thoughts from twins and to personal accounts, I believe it is more of a correlation than a direct relationship right now. There should be further experiments conducted with several pairs of twins. At present, the researchers and scientists are working on how to actually prove that twin telepathy exists.

