Some Main Differences Between Men And Women

Shikha Gupta
May 22, 2019   •  127 views

Women are different from men in many aspects and some of the differences are even advantages.

1. Men and women dress in a different sequence.

Very few people notice this fact. But it’s interesting that women are used to dressing from top to bottom- first shirt followed by pants or a skirt. Men are used to putting on socks and jeans first and only then they put on a shirt.

2. Women are less inclined to take risks.

Women have always been thought of as the “caregivers”. That is why they have a tendency to be more worried about others. Men, however love taking risks and there is very little that can stop them.

3. Women love cooking for their men.

When they have a boyfriend, they start cooking for him very well. Such behavior may be caused by their wish to show how good they are at being housewives.

4. Women put a lot of effort into going down the stairs in high heels.

Many men notice how strange it looks when women go down the stairs in high heels. This is because it’s very hard to go down the stairs and that’s why you should never make a girl rush in this situation.

5. Shaking hands with women is different from shaking hands with a man.

When 2 men shake hands, they do it firmly. But when a woman shakes hands, she just gives a man her hand but she doesn’t move it. She keeps her hand motionless.

6. Alcohol and women are a heck.

Women get drunk much faster than men. The reason behind this is there is an enzyme that fights alcohol and it destroys alcohol before it gets into the blood. Women have less of that enzyme and that’s why more alcohol gets into the bloodstream within the same time period.

7. Women view the world on a brighter spectrum.

It has been scientifically proven that women can differentiate more colors than men due to their genes.

8. Women have better sense of smell.

The reason why girls love flowers so much is that their sense of smell is much more developed and this is because their genes make women more sensitive to smells.

9. The female body changes more often.

The female body is very unique. Unlike the male body it changes a lot of times during a woman’s life. Female puberty starts a few years earlier than male puberty.

