Why do you get goose bumps?

Goosebumps form when tiny muscles at the base of hair follicles contract. In animal kingdom this helps them warm up faster by standing each hair on end and creating a sort of insulation. In case of danger having all the hairs in the first standing helps an animal look bigger and more threatening in front of an enemy and even though you don’t need fur to keep you warm or scare off your enemies. Humans still get goose bumps in cold weather or in emotional states it’s the result of an instinctual release of adrenaline which means that goose bumps are just an evolutionary hand down from ancient ancestors.

Why does your voice sound different on a recording?

It is the ability of our bones to conduct sound. Other people hear the sound waves of your voice coming only through the air and a recording also contains just the sounds yet the way you hear your own voices is the combination of the regular sounds and the low frequency sounds conducted by the bones of our skulls that’s why first recording of your voice may come to as a shocking surprise.

Why does the Sun darken your skin yet lighten your hair?

The Sun’s UV rays break down melanin which is the pigment responsible for the color of your hair and skin. The difference is in the fact that your hair is made up of dead cells while skin cells are alive. When the pigment s destroyed by the Sun it’s not replenished in the hair so it gets lighter. Your skin however answers to the Sun’s aggression with a stronger replenishment of melanin thus making the color darker and giving you that glow.

Why does time pass more slowly for a child?

You get the feeling that between each of your birthday time is speeding up well that’s probably because when you were a child you had to remember more events. Kids are only starting to get acquainted with the world around them and their memory has to collect more data so their year contains more new and unfamiliar events than that of a grown up. Adults have been there done that so they can rely on previous experiences to quickly get through current situations so may be the right expression would be time flies when you have to be an adult.

Why is dust white against a black backdrop and black against a white one?

Dust is actually great but the tiny size of its particles prevents us from seeing its true color. We just brought the differences in the specs are lighter or darker than the background.

Why do clock hands move circular?

Before we had handy digital clocks or even good old mechanical ones. People relied on sundials to tell the time. The old clocks had a pull in the center that past shadows around the plate as the Sun moves across the sky.

Why is the Ring finger used for blood tests?

It is a process of elimination. The thumb and little finger are closely connected to the wrist so if you get an infection from piercing these fingers it can travel up into the arm. Therefore, it’s advised to take blood from any finger except thumb or little finger. On top of that the rig finger is least sensitive. It works less than other fingers and has thinner skin since you don’t use this finger often pricking it doesn’t hurt so much and it heals more quickly.

