Education should not be confined to the four walls of classroom but is a broader concept meant for the holistic development of a children embracing intellectual, physical, social, moral and psychological development. This objective can be fulfilledonly when we strike a balance between the curricular and co-curricular activities.

I feel that all -round developmentof a child is not restricted to books only . Therefore , teachers should motivated to their students to participate in debates, drama, sports, music etc. and provide them a whole new horizon of activities to choose from and this plethora of activities hone their singing , dancing , playing , acting , painting , speaking skills .

Sports are an indispensable part of our education system which groom the child in the art of living and working together . Teachers should always pursue their students towards game of their choice do that they can remain physically and mentally fit due to which they become active and learn co-operation , team spirit , co - ordination , values and self control.

Learning never stops. Great thing with those who never stops to learn . Learn the things not only from education but also from surroundings . Our surroundings plays an important role while in our learning life . There are many things good and bad in our surroundings but we should capture or adopt only good things .

It' s not only responsibility of teachers but even parents should also concide towards their children's surroundings so that they can learn new or better things from their surroundings. Good things always gives good values and bad things make the baddest valuable life.

There are five important things in a successful life -
• never stop learning .
• never stop dreaming.
• never give up .
• never stop Trying.
• never stop believing.
The person who adopt this five things no one can stop him to become a successful person .


