Space is a pretty dark place. Even so, some areas are darker than others. Nothing however is darker than a black hole. A black hole is an area of such high gravity that nothing can escape through it, even the light fails to do so.

Black holes are not the kind of holes that we see on land or in a wall which have some physical existence and are built of solid matter.

Black holes form at the death of a star. However all stars do not turn into black holes due to their varying masses.

Origin of a Black Hole

Let's understand first how a black hole is formed.
In the elementary stage, a gaseous mass separates from the galaxy and condenses to form EMBRYO STAR (Initial star). It becomes denser due to its own gravitational pull.

As the gravitational pull increases, energy is released from the star due to the nuclear fusion. This process is similar to the one that takes place on the surface of the Sun. We are able to view stars and sun only because of this energy that they release.

The star then slowly turns into a RED GIANT under which the outer sphere expands and becomes red. This is the time when a BLACK HOLE takes birth.

The centre portion of the star contacts to such an extent that a hollow mass of energy is created. Let's understand this in simple language. The gravitational force is directly related to the mass of the object. We all know how high is the gravitational pull of earth.

Now just imagine, the size of a normal star is far greater than that of the earth so how much gravitational force would be present there. Added on to that when this star contacts, all its force gets concentrated over a tiny area (known as Black hole). This circle is known as the Event Horizon. This force is so high that even light cannot pass through it thus giving it a black (no light) look.

What if we try to enter inside a Black Hole?

Since a Black hole is an area of extremely high gravity, if one tries to enter inside or go near it, his body will be torn into so many bits and pieces that it would be difficult to find his existence. Also, since it doesn't allow light to pass through, you won't be able to record the whole process to understand and research later on.


A Black hole is also a source of time travel because it has the capacity to distort the time.

It is highly possible that there are other universes present inside a black hole of one universe.

