The Secrets Of The Rich Part-2

Sagar Jadhav
Apr 28, 2019   •  0 views
Refer to my part one for better explaination.

As I grew older, I started asking myself questions like "does really getting up early in the morning and going to work will make sense and make me financially free and happy?" There are 3 famous Japanese wisdom; which are

  1. The power of gold

  2. The power of sword

  3. The power of mirror

The power of gold indicates the wealth of the one. Some says that money is power and I guess that is true because he who has the gold makes the GOLDEN RULE.

The power of sword obiviously indicates the power of his/her attack or agressive kind of human behaviour.

I first wondered just like you all that what is the power of mirror? The power of mirror indicates the self power of one. Just like standing in front of mirror and seeing our reality. Through the power of mirror a one can look deep inside him and ask such questions like;

Am I doing this right?

What and which steps and to be taken so that I'll satisfy myself?

Is there any step that can be included through which my soul will be satified.?

The power of mirror is the most powerful wisdom still present through which an individual can seek inside himself and peace himself by taking corrective action. I think the power of mirror is more helpful who is struggling financially. Whenever an individual struggles is because of the lack of financial education which isn't taught in schools nor probably in any institutes. Inside every of us there is a financial genius which is sleeping, all we have to do is tell him to wake up and solve our financial problem. Just admire the power of mirror through which we'll get all the problems probably.

I simply admire the 3 wisdoms of Japan because an individual can seek inside himself and correct himself in his mistakes.

I even included this because rich peoples too admire these wisdoms through tehy became successful person.

