1.Which animal can digest a steel nail –

Crocodile. Highly acidic and strong digestive juices with pH less than 2 that can dissolve steel nail and other hard materials quite easily. Even crocodiles can eat small prey as a whole and even its bone gets digested into the acid eventually.

2.Which mountain changes its color everyday –

Ayers rock. More commonly known as the Uluru rock; Uluru is located in southwestern corner of Australia`s Northern Territory. TheUluru-Kata Tjuta National Park board of management has announced that tourists will be banned from climbingUlurufrom 2019.

3.Which animal have blue blood –

Octopus. In order to survive under the high pressure and other deep ocean conditions, instead of iron based blood, octopus has evolved copper based blood called haemocyanin which turns its blood blue.

4.Which animal gives both milk and egg –

Platypus. These creatures are found only in Australia. Although dogs have died fromplatypuspoison, there have been no recordedhuman fatalities. Although its poison can cause swelling and the pain might remain for a week.

5.Which part of human eye is transplanted from a dead donor to a living person –

Cornea. Rest of the parts cannot be transplanted because they are directly linked to the brain.

6.Why cutting onions makes us cry –

When onions are sliced, they release sulfur into the air, when the sulfur comes in contact with eyes, they form sulfuric acid. This in turn causes the burning sensation and finally tears rolls down as a body defense mechanism.

7.Why does milk taste sweet and curd taste sour –

Milk has a specific compound named lactose, which makes it taste sweet. Whereas when milk is converted into curd, the lactobacillus bacteria in the curd convert the lactose in it into lactic acid, which makes it taste sour.

8.How long does it take for a red blood cell to circle the whole body –

Normal blood flow in the portal vein is about 1.4 L/min and a RBC takes approximately 20 seconds to circle the whole body.

9.What is the smallest bird in the world –

Bee humming bird(Mellisuga Helenae). The length of the bird is nearly 57 mm and weighs nearly 1.6 grams.

10. Which country doesn’t have a capital –

Nauru. This is a tiny island in the Pacific without a designated capital.

11. In which country was golf first played –


12. In which country blue jeans are banned –

North Korea. In North Korea blue jeans are considered to be illegal here, because they symbolize American imperialism.

