How To Nail Your First Interview!!!!

Riya Singh
May 21, 2019   •  29 views

An imposing interview is the key to open doors for a dream job. And the key to an impressive interview lies in how well you prepare for the interview.

Walking through the interview has always been a tense job for every other person in the world with lots of unanswered questions, doubts and myths in their mind. For the freshers, going to an interview is an all new experience where some of them feel timid with many doubts as they walk through the office while other feel extremely confident and well set for the interview. But the question is "Are you really prepared for the interview?"

Let's look into some of the crucial steps involve in preparing for an interview.....

1. Go through the job description carefully

The first thing to do before appearing for an interview is to properly know about the post you are applying for. Looks for the details that company need in an ideal candidate and in what basis they are going to decide who is best suited for the job. Job description consists of qualification, qualities of candidate and skills which are necessary for the candidate. Reading the job description thoroughly will help you get an overview about the kind of questions they are going to ask throughout the interview.

2. Perform Research on the company

The most common question asked during an interview is " Why do you want to work with our company?"

To answer this question efficiently you should be familiar with the company, it's culture and the products or services which it is offering and what makes it different fromother companies. While you search about the company and its working culture think of where you stand with those people, what common qualities you share with them which makes you fit for the position. Research not only about your role but about the overall review of the company from costumer's point of view and company's point of view as well.

3.Why are you interviewing for the company?
You should be well familiar of the fact that what is you job in the company. You should research about your position that you have applied for and what responsibilities you are going to take in the company. How your skills and knowledge is beneficial for the development of the company. Know about your contributions that you have to made for the company, indeed before going for an interview know everything about the post that you have applied for and be ready for any obstacles that come to your way.

4.Take mock interviews and prepare for the common questions and answers.

The interview process of every company is unique and different in one or many ways. We cannot predict or expect the whole interview however we can practice some of the common interview questions which are expected that a company would ask. First of all research well about the company's interview process. Take mock interviews provided by many coaching institutes or you can go for online mock interviews, this will help you know you mistakes and flaws and help you correct them before the actual interview and will boost up your confidence.

There are some of the questions which are commonly asked in every interview which you need to answer carefully and prepare them before hand which you can get to know through appearing in mock interviews.

5. Practice body language and vocabulary

Verbal and non verbal communication skills plays a great role in making an interview effective. You must know how to speak confidently and learn public speaking skills. Practice speaking confidently in front of mirror. Speaking in english effectively is a bonus but the important thing in an interview is to tally you emotions and what you want to say properly and confidently. Your answers should be clear and satisfactory to the interviewer. Your voice should be confident and speech should be fluent, avoid stammering while speaking. There should be open communication between you and the interviewer.

6. Ask questions

Most of the time the interviewer gets impressed if you ask questions about the company from their point of view. It shows your keen interest towards the job and how well you have researched about the company policy. So make a well versed list of some thoughtful questions before going to an interview.

7.Pack the essentials before hand

As you are looking forward to the most important day of your work life, don't forget any essential things that might ruin your first impression. Print several hard copies of your resume, your certificates, degree and any other requirements that are mentioned in company's job description. Read your resume carefully several times as questions are asked based on your resume and training skills.

8. Make travel arrangements
Reach the destination early. Don't be late on your first interview as it is all about the first impression. Save the company's contact information in case you need. Search the location before hand so that you don't have to struggle finding your destination and you will reach on time without any stress.

9. Dress well

As said " first impression is the last impression" . So make you first impression better than anyone. Research about the company's dress code and it is always best to wear formals in your interview. A good dressing indeed boost you confidence and forms a good impression in front of the interviewers from the first look only.

10. Know how to sell yourself
The most important thing in an interview is to sell yourself. Most of the people hesitate to do so but there is no harm in telling the interviewer your qualities and skills and what makes you fit for the job. You should answers the questions in a way such that it highlights your qualities and strength and what makes you better than other.

Finally relax, no need to take a lot of stress. Believe in yourself and prepare well. If you don't know something no need to panic take a moment and think of the best example you can relate with the question, it will definitely help. Prepare for your interview before hand so that you will be relaxed and stressfree a day before your actual interview.

And at last....
All the best!!!!!!!!!



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