Reading 101 motivational quotes on instagram and pinterest won’t do the trick if you don’t believe in yourself in the first place. To reach your goal, you need to follow the three mantras: desire, work and succeed. Desire is a strong feeling; it is the one that stimulates to work. And to work hard and continuously, you need motivation. Motivation stimulates your inner soul and mind to accomplish your goals. I have put together four small but fruitful steps one can do every day to develop their motivational skills.
There is this eternal light spurring inside everyone, to manifest it, one must wake up early, before the sun, and sculpt their soul. Waking up early not only cleanses one’s soul but also awakens their good Karma. Positive vibes gives positive life. Feed your mind with knowledge and swim in your inner pool. All the positive energy you give out will help you find the will to work for your dreams. Motivation lies within oneself.
The first and foremost thing one has to do is to believe and practice the Law of Attraction every day. The Law of Attraction is simply a philosophical concept which states that positive or negative thoughts will bring positive or negative experiences. Fashion positive thoughts while doing your daily chores and voila! One day you wake up to find all the things ever wished for.
Just like Marie Kondo would say, “Does this spark joy?” Ask yourself this question every time you do something that is not exactly productive. Sow your seeds precisely so that you may reap flawless fruits. Identify all the things that distract you from attaining your goal. Cut out Netflix and binge eating and gaming in front of the TV for hours till your eyes are sore and your energy drained. Once you neglect all the energy-draining things that stop you from finding the motivation to work for your goals, working hard day and night wouldn’t seem so bad. Make a plan for the day and execute it. When you start working for what you love, you will realise that all the things you did for “fun” aren’t exactly fun. They were mere distraction and completely futile to you and your dreams.
Identify what needs to be done to be a successful person. Make a list of all your pros and cons. Test yourself and better yourself. Inspire yourself to be your best version. No one can be a master at a skill over night, so pick a small part of your day and use it to practice at a particular skill. Before you know it, you will perfect that specific skill. The fruit of success is sweeter than ambrosia; once you taste it you will never want to stop succeed. Self-motivation is the best motivation one can ever find.