Urban Life Vs Rural/Semi Rural Life

Rangoli Agarwal
Apr 03, 2019   •  11 views

One of the hot topics of debate in today's times is weather urban life has more to offer than the countryside or the budding urban cities.

As a matter of fact, countryside or the semi-rural cities are often looked upon in the context of job opportunities and quality of life they have in store to offer.

A huge proportion of population has already and continues to migrate from rural to urban areas with the mere aim of seeking quality jobs and lifestyle.This shift has resulted in the urban areas ending up extremely crowded with the masses of people thriving to occupy space for quality life.

This outlook that urban areas potray for the population is not completely true. There are several loopholes in the following thought process.

The sudden burden on the urban cities cannot be beared by the cities thus collapsing the concept of providing 'targeted quality' to the lifestyle of the masses. The setback of the same is overpopulation, pollution, easy spread of communicable diseases, several natural disasters and the list goes on.

Though the urban life may be looked upon as a pleasant picture, the several opportunities and intended quality of life can be well maintained in the rural side as well.

The raw resources and the fresh and pure elements that rural side has to offer can be well utilized if the people have the rationality to assess the advantages of the same.

The ideal corporate jobs in the urban life have several setbacks that arise from sitting in the same place for several hours, staring at the screen and acting totally as a product of authorities thus deteriorating the quality of human thinking.

Though both the rural and urban sides have a lot to offer, it is always highly commendable to rationally assess the outcome of one's decision, thus making way towards 'quality' happy life.

