Osteoporosis: Causes And Consequences

Rakshita Upadhyay
Jul 01, 2019   •  18 views

Bones are considered the most important part of the body that give shape to the body and keeps it intact. Bones are primarily made of protein mesh and the spaces are filled with calcium phosphate. The 99% of calcium of the body resides in the bones. When the calcium levels decrease, decalcification of bones takes place that lead to a condition called osteoporosis. It means the bones that have turned porous and it increases the risk of increased fractures of wrist, vertebrae, hip etc. it is observed that several hormones also play an important part in the causation of osteoporosis. It usually happens in women and the old people.

Causes of osteoporosis

A number of factors are responsible for osteoporosis. Some of them are preventable while others are inevitable. The inevitable factors include


Caucasians and Asians are prone to osteoporosis than any other ethnicity.

Reduced hormone levels- it is seen that low levels of estrogen in the body increase the risk of osteoporosis.


the risk of getting affected by osteoporosis increases after mid-30s. In case of women the risk increases even more after menopause.

Genetic factors

people with a family history of osteoporosis are more likely to get affected by it.

The preventable or modifiable factors include the following things-

Smoking tobacco

Frequent and excessive alcohol intake

Low levels of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin C in the diet

Eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia nervosa

How to prevent it?

Now you might think of ways to prevent this condition which is likely to affect you when you get old. The things are simple but sometimes hard to follow because of faulty lifestyle and dietary changes. In order to prevent the risk, you have to improve your diet and lifestyle.

Eat calcium and vitamin D rich food

As I have told you, bones are made of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps in metabolism of calcium and ossification of bones. Therefore these two things are very important in maintaining bone health. The daily intake for a middle aged adult should be 500-1000mg and for old people it should be slightly increased up to 1200mg. foods like milk, cheese, yoghurt, GLVs, broccoli, fish, cereals are rich in calcium. Food rich in vitamin D are milk, eggs, fishes and sunlight.

Apart from all these things, you can also improve your lifestyle by not smoking, drinking alcohol, getting regular sunlight, performing proper body exercises etc. these things are proven to prevent the effects of osteoporosis. Include these changes in your life and prevent osteoporosis in a long run.

