Two Faces, Same coin
It is generally believed that Science and Ethics signify contradiction in terms. On the face to it, it appears to be difficult to find a compromise between science and ethics because their scope is different and they are apparently exclusive of each other.

Taking a closer look at the two will show that, contrary to the general belief,Science and Ethics are not poles apart, nor are they mutually incompatible. They rather complement each other. One without the other is incomplete and they have to co-exist and reinforce each other.

If science meets our materialistic needs, Ethics satisfies our spiritual hunger. Ethics seeks to find out the ultimate truth. By definition, science is a systematized body of knowledge. But all knowledge is the knowledge of god. Science has tremendously helped man to spread the word of god in the world through the telecommunication revolution. But now-a-days people have dropped the sense of respect towards god in the name of science, evolution and modernization.

Younger generation have totally forgotten the power of prayers and spirituality in hearts. The increasing heights of insensitivity and the pathetic lust for earning money have led people on the path of becoming an atheist. It is not necessarily important to have faith in a deity or following a certain religion but it is quintessential to be answerable for your deeds and knowing what is right and what’s not. Ethics can only be imbibed with teachings and moral values. Science is of course an aspect of life but that doesn’t lead to the path of becoming a complete atheist.

It is now acknowledged by all intellectuals and thinkers that science alone is unable to make our life better. If it has given us hundreds of inventions and discoveries for our material wellbeing, it has also brought great misery to mankind through various engines of destruction. By this I would like to conclude my thoughts with an advice for the future generations to give this a thought that we can be much more successful and sound in much more profound ways only when learn to carry ethics and science together as two sides of the same coin.

I hope my thoughts will be helpful for build a bit of spiritually inactive portion of your soul. Deep inside we all are pure souls and we must cherish that in every sphere of life.

