Here’s 5 interesting facts about rabbits all bunny owners should know ~

  • Did you know that baby rabbits are called kittens? Yes! You heard it right!

They are called ‘kit’ which stands for kittens. Mature female rabbits are known as ‘doe’ whereas mature males rabbits are called ‘bucks’. The word ‘bunny’ is a cute version of Rabbit mostly like ‘doggy’ for dogs and are not scientific names.

  • Rabbits are very adorable animals but they are also very fragile. Most of the times their eating habits and behaviour says alot about their physical and mental well being. Rabbits can rotate their ears around 270 degrees , and it is also used to cool them down. However , the positioning of their ears also indicate if they are in stress , are happy, unsatisfied or angry. Rabbit should not be handled by children below 12 years of age as it can cause them injuries.

  • “Hey look! I just did a “Binky”.

If you are lucky you will be able to witness a rabbit doing a “Binky” when it is in the happiest state. It will jump into the air and twists its head and body in opposite directions before landing back to the ground.

  • They eat their own poop and sometimes they consume their own urine.

This is a less adorable fact about bunnies. They produce a type of roughage known as cecotropes which are considered to be full of nutrients that they need to consume to keep themselves healthy.

Sometimes the bunnies also lick their own urine in case of lack of water around them or need of water consumption in their body. They continue this process as it is required by their fast digestive system.

  • Rabbits are like cats when it comes to grooming.

They self groom themselves whenever they can. They are very hygienic and don't really like being bathed by their human owners. Bathing your rabbit can also annoy them a little.

So these were some interesting fact about your bunny friend and also very informative incase you are planning to own a bunny as a pet.

Bunnies are otherwise very friendly and social animals and enjoy companionship. They like their human presence just like other domestic animals like dogs and cats. They need attention and love from their human companions and can be distressed if not given enough attention and sometimes be depressed too. It's is an absolute delight to have a bunny at home ,and trust me when I am saying this because I am also blessed with a bunny in my life . So ,here meet my Gulzar ~

