Solar, name itself denotes its meaning. It relates to or denote energy derived from the sun's rays. Solar energyis radiant light and heat from thesunthat is used to make and controlusing a range of ever-evolving technologies such assolar heating,solar thermal energy,etc.... Solar energy is a free and inexhaustible resource.

Solar Energy has 2 major discoveries.
·The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.
·Producing electricity from solar energy was the second discovery.
In the 1880s, selenium photovoltaic (PV) cells were developed that could convert light into electricity with 1-2% efficiency , but how the conversion happened was not understood. Photovoltaic power therefore "remained a curiosity for many years, since it was very inefficient at turning sunlight into electricity." It was not until Albert Einstein proposed an explanation for the "photoelectric effect" in the early 1900s, for which he won a Nobel Prize, that people began to understand the related photovoltaic effect.

Solar thermal technologies can be used for water heating, space heating, space cooling and process heat generation.While sunlight is generally considered a plentiful resource, the exceptions highlight the importance of solar energy to agriculture.Applications of solar energy in agriculture aside from growing crops include pumping water, drying crops, brooding chicks and drying chicken manure. Some vehicles use solar panels for auxiliary power, such as for air conditioning, to keep the interior cool, thus reducing fuel consumption. There are several advantages of photovoltaic solar power that make it "one of the most promising renewable energy sources in the world." It is non-polluting, has no moving parts that could break down, requires little maintenance and no supervision. It is especially unique because no large-scale installation is required. Remote areas can easily produce their own supply of electricity by constructing as small or as large of a system as needed. Solar power generators are simply distributed to homes, schools, or businesses, where their assembly requires no extra development or land area and their function is safe and quiet. As communities grow, more solar energy capacity can be added, "thereby allowing power generation to keep in step with growing needs without having to overbuild generation capacity as is often the case with conventional large scale power systems."

There are only two primary disadvantages to using solar power: amount of sunlight and cost of equipment. The amount of sunlight a location receives "varies greatly depending on geographical location, time of day, season and clouds.There are many articles and discoveries related to solar energy ,it includes

·Sensible and latent heat energy storage systems for concentrated solar power plants, exergy efficiency comparison .

·Use of a predictive control to improve the energy efficiency in indoor swimming pools using solar thermal energy .

·An analysis of low flow for solar thermal system for water heating .
Expectations for solar energy are high. It is projected that in the next five years, solar power will exceed the combined energy produced in China and energy is indeed a great milestone in the science field and it is said that since solar is renewable and environmental friendly ,this will rule the scope of future.