What is a Black Hole?

Well, there are so many different definitions of a black hole. The easiest one being- A Black Hole is anything but an empty space, rather it is a great amount of matter packed in a small area.

Universe fascinates me since I was a kid. Black holes, galaxies, solar system, nebulae and what not. There is never an end to all of these.

Whenever you see a star-studded sky, moon and the vast sky. You feel like you are so tiny in front of all of these celestial astonishments.

I don't know about you but It always gives me a soothing feeling to just sit on the terrace and watch the sky.


If I tell you all of this will come to an end. Well, it can happen.

As we know that the scientists have just captured the very first image of a black hole on 10/04/19.
What if all of our universe gets into the black hole and life comes to an end.

The Destruction that whirls over us!

Do you know?

According to a report, in the year 2015, black hole was 4 million times bigger than the sun. In 2005, NASA saw an energetic light wave in space.

In 2015, NASA discovered that the wave was coming from a black hole situated in centre of our milky way galaxy. When they researched more, they found it was actually absorbing a star. In 2019, they found that the black hole has become bigger. We can see it with a high quality telescope in the second or third week of April in this year that was 10/04/19. It is predicted that it is going to absorb our whole solar system, the eight planets, the sun, the stars, asteroids, meteorites and also the dwarf planets.It has been said that it will reach near Earth and absorb the Earth at the ending of the 21st century or at the starting of the 22nd century.

Scientists turned the whole world into a telescope.

It took a total of eight telescopes to get the image of the Black hole that stunned the whole world last week.

It was a tedious and technical task to arrange those eight telescopes to capture the image of it.

The geniuses proved to be right.

Although the image of Black hole was captured the last week. But the fascinating part is that it resonates with the image and the structure as predicted by the great "Albert Einstein"and " Stephen Hawking".

So, in the end How are you going to use your precious time and life before EVERYTHING COMES TO AN END.

