Hot Keys ( Quick Keys) In Photoshop

Prawesh Mohan
May 26, 2019   •  139 views

Following are the quick keys in photoshop tools which can help you in designing....

  1. 'V' = Move tool

  2. 'M' = Marquee tool

  3. 'L' = Lasoo tool

  4. 'W' = Quick selection tool

  5. 'C' = Crop tool

  6. 'I' = Eye dropper tool

  7. 'J' = Healing brush tool

  8. 'B'= Brush tool

  9. 'S' = Clone stamp tool

  10. 'Y' = HIstory brush tool

  11. 'E' = Eraser tool

  12. 'G' = Gradient/ Paint bucket tool

  13. 'O' = Dodge tool

  14. 'P' = Pen tool

  15. 'T' = Type/Text tool

  16. 'A' = Path selection tool

  17. 'U' = Shape tool

  18. 'R' = Rotate view tool

  19. 'Z' = Zoom tool

Note: 'Some basic knowlege of tools in photoshop is necessary before going through the hot keys.'

