Have you ever seen a beautiful mountain? Or a sunset or a sunrise? Or a beautiful butterfly chasing around the bushes?

The common factor that makes all of these moments so breathtakingly beautiful are the array of colours.

Everything around us is a range of different colours, it is an inseparable part of man’s existence. Sometimes, we don’t notice the wonderful colours around us but these colours play an important role in our emotions, moods and the way we think. Bright colours, for example, have a good effect on our mood and bring good vibrations, it enriches our environment and the gloomy thoughts fade away.

Colours in a person’s attire reflect his personality - with a good colour sense one is believed to bring joy in his life. It brings relief from monotony of one’s life.

  • Red

The colour red is associated with passion and drama, which attracts attention and is associated with the emotions of love and anger. It is a universally accepted sign of danger, courage, power and strength. However, the colour red can also evoke feelings of aggression and cause visual strain.

The colour red is used in the brakelights of cars and the traffic lights as a sign of “stop”.

  • Yellow

The colour yellow is the colour of optimism, which youthful and fresh energy. It helps in quick thinking and decision making and also grabs the attention because the eye sees the colour yellow first. The colour yellow is also associated with anxiety inducing situations and can make us feel agitated.

Yellow is the most highly visible colour due to which it is used for painting the pedestrians, it is more visible than the colour white especially during wet and cloudy days.

  • Pink

The colour pink is associated with sensitivity, it is a mixture of red and white which conveys love, tranquility and femininity. In colour psychology, the colour pink is associated with reassuring our emotional energies and alleviating feelings of anger, resentment, abandonment and neglect. Pink, can also represent lack of self-worth, a lack of self-reliance and lack of willpower.

The colour pink is usually used to sell women's products, beauty and fashion because it is associated with tenderness, femininity and even vulnerability.

  • Blue

Do you know why people feel calm at the sight of the sea?
It is because the colour blue is associated with calmness, tranquility, serenity and peace. It instils feelings of trust, loyalty, integrity and responsibility. The colour blue can also be associated with aloofness and conservative. It promotes both physical and mental relaxation. It is known to reduce stress, create a calm and secure atmosphere.

It is due to all these reasons that the colour blue is used in the health care units - including gymnasiums.

  • Green

Have you ever felt at peace and refreshed while out in the nature? It is because this colour is associated with freshness, peace, safety and stability. It is also the colour of spring, renewal and rebirth. On the negative, the colour green is associated with possessiveness and materialism.

The green colour is therefore, used to represent various non-profit organisations.

Often, as we grow, we do not realise the small things in life and such is the case with colours and it’s importance in our life. It is to be kept in mind that every individual has its own preferences and associations with different colours. Nothing is specific to the emotions but what should be kept in mind is the impact the colours have in our life, therefore, let us all enjoy the calming and relaxing effect it has on us.

