14 Things You Should Do As A Woman In Your Twenties

Parv Kaur
Jun 23, 2019   •  1 view

Being a 20 year old girl I myself can feel the foregone era of innocence and vulnerability. But believe me its gone for good. Now you can enjoy your life without any limits. Its time to take some decisions in your life some of them might not be good for you but would help you realize your mistakes in the wrong run.

So here’s a list of 14 things you need to do in your 20s-:

  1. Date, or even just have sex with, a ridiculously hot guy. I mean, or fall in love with him? But you probably won't, because there is a good chance he will want to talk about the plot of his novel or how much he loved being on a commune or some other bullshit like that.

  2. Take a lot of Instagram pictures. This the age for many unabashed selfies, so that when your adult child is spoon-feeding you Yankee Beans in the nursing home, have proof that you were once dewy-skinned and had a life.

  3. Eat whatever. Literally whatever. I have thought about mainlining super-cheesy, super-carby Ignore the nutritional label and don't look back. EVER.

  4. Spend time with your parents. Because they're getting older and you don't want to regret not doing it down the line.

  5. Learn to meditate and manage stress. Meditation is very important for a 20-something woman as life becomes more stressful, while the responsibilities gather with the speed of sound.

  6. Master the great art of make-up. Make-up is an art, but one can master it with lots of practice. And what time is better to master it than your 20s? Lean how to use subtle make-up to enhance your features, hiding the ones which don’t complement you.

  7. How To Cut Bad Influences From Your Life- This can take the form of bad habits such as smoking, excess drinking or drug use, or people who are negatively influencing your life. If a person doesn't make you happy and mentally drains you, it's time to make that cut.

  8. How To Be Independent- No woman out there should ever utter that she 'needs' a man. Don't get me wrong, men are great and all but technically, the only thing we need men for is reproducing. What you need is to learn to do things for yourself.

  9. How To D.I.Y.- Pick up that toolbox and get to grips with the hammer and nails. Learn how to put up a shelf, hang a picture and fix that broken shower curtain.

  10. How To Not Give A Shit- Things that you should not give a shit about include caring what people think of you, cellulite, drunk texting your ex, not wanting to settle for the first person that comes along, being single and happy or being loved up and happy.

  11. Travel solo.- Travelling on your own is frightening, dangerous and awesome. Get some essentials in a backpack and start your freedom adventure now.

  12. Try an extreme sport at least once.- Extremes are all about it when you hit your 20s, so make sure you do all the things you wanted to do or have been afraid of. Yes, that’s right: experience frighting activities, so you can then state you’ve been there, done that and had overcome your fears.

  13. Do Something Crazy with your Hair- This will teach you a valuable lesson—hair is just hair, and nothing you do to it is impossible to recover from.

  14. Do Something You Regret - It'll make for a good story later, possibly even the best of your life.

So Girls Live your Twenties like never before. You have earned it. Also live them to the fullest because there is no turning back.

