Our life is based on principles which we should follow to make our life more meaningful.These principles if followed will help us to live our life better.These principles are followed by legends but fools ignore these principles.Few of the principles that needs to be followed in life are discussed here.

1)The first principle is that we should be more kind and gentle to peoples which includes not only our relatives but also strangers who we meet throughout the day.If in a day we can make someone happy and bring smile on his face then we have done a great job.By making people happy we reduce their stress and make them forget about their problems.By making someone happy we can bring him out of his depression and frustration which will be a great thing to do.If we be more gentle to others then other people will also be more gentle to us.

2)The second and the most important principle is that one should be self disciplined.Self discipline plays a important role on our lifes.By being self discipline we can manage out time,we can do the right things at the right time and can lead a happy life.The act of self discipline is the act of tough love which means loving ourselves but also being tough to ourselves.By being self disciplined we can learn a lot more things in life and can face our difficulties easily.

3)The third main principle that we should follow in our life is to make a journal in which we can write daily about our experiences that we had and the mistakes that we committed throughout the day.This jounal will act as a one to one conversation of us with ourselves.This journal will ensure that we do not do the same mistakes regularly.This journal will help us improve as a person.It will be a good habit to write a journal to develop.In the journal we can also write what we have learned by our experiences.By writing such a thing we will never forget our lessons.

4)The fourth principle that we should follow evry day is to have look at how we start our day.The first 30 minutes of the day after waking up our very essential as these will energises you to face all odds throughout the day.The first 30 minutes should not be wasted in brushing and bathing but should be spent in motivation,a five minutes me time where one can talk to oneself on topics related to him.These thirty minutes will help you to regain your focus on the objectives and goals you have to achieve.

I hopeafter reading these four principles you will follow them in your life.This article is not a read and forget types buta article that needs to be followed.

