The Fashion Industry- Beginning Of An Era

Nishtha Sharma
Jun 16, 2019   •  36 views

Fashion took the entire world with a storm. It was always welcomed with a positive attitude. Fashion industry began working with the queens and high class families in the ancient time.

The Designs

The designs were gracious and classic since the beginning. Considering global fashion , as well as Indian fashion ethics, styling and designing always personified elegance and sophistication. The designs always showcased the class, ethic, moral considerations of women and the elegance they acquire.

Patterns And Creativity

The elegant attires, stylish updoes , jewels and gems, everything was put together in such a way that it compliments and flaunts the fashion merchandise of a woman. Dressing up was always considered as an ultimate statement for queens, princesses and important ladies of the country. The designs were majorly classic and satin based, embodied with sequint designs, heavy patches and statement volume can-can doll based structure. "the more flaunting, the more powerful" was the statement quote of ladies back then, which was totally a justice to fashion and styling.

Flaunting The Curves

Women are always considered as the geek goddesses of flaunting and decorating themselves as the powerful divas they are . The most outragious form of fashion was, flaunting and showing off the amazing curves of a woman body! Men loved women, who would dress up and show up with showing off their curves to the world. 'Gorgeous', ' Stunning', 'Mesmerizing', 'Beautiful!' were the favourite words a woman would love to hear. Crosets and body spanx were designed for women to flaunt and be confident about their own bodies.


Men in ancient Egypt often wore theloinclothcommon in all classes; although men of a higher class wore longerschenti, often pairing them with a drapedcapeortunic. It was considered acceptable for men and women alike to bare their chests, in both upper and lower classes. A complete lack of clothing, however, was often associated with youth or poverty; it was common for children of all social classes to be unclothed up to the age of six, and for slaves to remain unclad for the majority of their lives.Certain clothing common to both genders included thetunicand therobe. Around 1425 to 1405 BCE, a lighttunicor short-sleevedshirtwas popular, as well as apleatedskirt.

Clothing for adult women remained unchanged over several millennia, save for small details. Draped clothes with very large rolls gave the impression of wearing several items.It was in fact ahawk, often of very finemuslin . The dress was rather narrow and even constricting, made of white or unbleached fabric for the lower classes. Garments worn by higher classes featured sleeves starting under the chest and were held up bysuspenderstied onto the shoulders.other times passing between them, and were painted and colored for various reasons such as to imitate the plumage on the wings of Isis.

The characteristic of the female garment in ancient Egypt Old Kingdom was a short skirt for the lower classes, or a kalasiris, a longer skirt reaching from the ankles to just below, or just above the breasts.By the Middle Kingdom, long kilts were a fashion. They were like skirts, reaching from waist to ankles, sometimes even hanging from the armpits. The New Kingdom was the more luxurious period; people wore more clothing, sometimes in layers. with an inner and an outer garment. This outer layer was made of particularly fine, diaphanous pleated linen, and would appear almost transparent.

Clothing of the royal family was different, and was well documented; for instance the crowns of the Pharaohs as mentioned below, feather headdresses, and the khator head cloth were all worn by nobility.

Shoes were the same for both sexes -sandals,braided with leather, or, particularly for the bureaucratic and priestly classes,papyrus.






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Profile of Shruti Sinha
Shruti Sinha  •  4y  •  Reply
Nicely explained...Are you doing a course on the subject? Your content is quite informative and it looks like you know what you're saying, but I would suggest you to give little descriptions of the more technical terms of fashion, like haute couture, something I read in your other post. :)