The interaction between Rocket and Thor was inspired by a Youtube video I watched. however, since I don't remember who it was, or what the video was called, I can't put in a proper credit.

The Avengers are at an all time low.

They had been living in the hope of returning the universe to its former state ever since time travel was proposed by Scott Lang. but having made no substantial progress, they now have nothing to look forward to. Those who had been roaming space return to looking for more information, the others try to fit into their daily routines again. Bruce is especially dejected and spends more and more time alone in his lab. No one has any clear idea what he is working on.

Meanwhile, Tony succeeds in figuring out how to stabilize time travel, and he debates with himself about what to do. He looks at his daughter, and decides to never reveal the secret to the Avengers, for fear of losing her. But, when he talks it over with Pepper, she tells him that she doesn’t believe he can stay away from it – his very nature prevents his inaction. When he is once again lost in doubt, she reminds him that Doctor strange saved his life, and that it must be for a reason. She is reluctant, but tells him that he has a duty to fulfill.

And thus, Tony returns to the Avengers compound, for the first time after his arrival on Earth. He reveals to the Avengers that he has discovered time travel. He is slowly becoming his cocky self again. The excited Avengers begin to assemble the whole team so that they can decide what to do. Tony, meanwhile, joins Banner to run some more tests and try to understand the intricacies of the time travel. Steve is taken aside, and his shield is finally returned to him – he might need it now that they are planning to go into action again.

The members of the team who are in space return, and the reunion between Nebula and Stark is a warm one. He also gets the chance to thank Carol for bringing him back. Thor, however, proves to be a challenge. Rocket and Carol go to New Asgard with the intention of changing his mind.

On arriving there, they are uncharacteristically admitted into the Throne room. Thor sits on his throne and welcomes them. He begins to chat casually with his visitors, but Carol interrupts him. She tells him that they now have a way to reverse the effects of the Snap and that they need him in New York. He looks at her for a long time, and then tells her how he faced defeat thrice at Thanos’ hands. She tells him that Thanos has only fought her once. “No one fights me and wins, twice.” Thor is strangely reminded of his past self, but shakes it off. He turns to Rocket and reminds Rocket of how they were all defeated and that the fight was over five years ago. He asks him why he tricks himself with false hope even now. “What more could I lose?” Rocket echoes. This strikes Thor hard, and after some deliberation, he gets up, lifts Stormbreaker from its place and asks them to lead the way.

All the Avengers gather in the same room for the first time ever, as Tony explains to them all he has discovered on the time travel. They are still unsure of the exact effects and would require a few tests before launching into action. Clint steps forward and volunteers to be the test subject. They quickly send him into the past, warning him not to disturb anything. He returns a few seconds later, and confirms that he did indeed return to the past. He has, in his hands, a small token as proof. Though Tony and Bruce both scold him, worried about the possible complications, everyone is jubilant.

They begin planning for the next stage.

