4 Ways To Motivate Yourself Daily!

May 27, 2019   •  35 views

The best motivation is self-motivation”- Jim Rohn

The Oxford dictionary meaning of Self-motivation goes like this “Motivated to do or achieve something because of one's own enthusiasm or interest, without needing pressure from others.”

In our day to day lives we are often relying on some motivation from an external factor. That external factor could be a friend, your partner or a colleague or sometimes just some extra perk for the work we do!

Amidst relying on something or someone else to motivate ourselves we tend to forget that we ourselves can do a lot more contribution towards motivating our selves daily, every morning instead of just dragging ourselves to our workplace or school or college!

Wondering how to self-motivate yourself daily?! Here’s what you can do motivate yourself and push yourself to attain your goals!

1.Break your daily tasks into several small chunks: Breaking your daily work into small parts enables you to focus on one thing at a time. This way you can complete one task completely and move on to other, making you more productive. Also, marking every task as done after it is completed gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivates you more to take up the next task.

2.Treat or Reward yourself for your accomplishments: No matter how big or small, any success deserves to be celebrated! For ex. take yourself on a shopping spree after achieving a goal at work or treat yourself to a cupcake or your favourite dish after completion of a strict diet of eating healthy stuff throughout the week, or just a bubble bath with your favourite music in the background after a long day of productive work of any kind!

3.Exercise: There’s no better way to de stress or declutter your mind than going for a long run, or a group class of Zumba or Aerobics! Once you are completely relieved from your day’s stress is when you can be motivated to take on the next day with equal determination and zest! Choose any workout of your choice and spend at least 30 mins on yourself daily. Working out in groups is always fun and motivates you! Join a group activity like Dancing, Zumba, Aerobics or Yoga which are fun and effective at the same time!

4.Meditate: Meditation is quite an underestimated thing in today’s world. It is extremely important to connect to your inner self in order to see what’s really happening within you. A good meditation program often guides you, releases your mental stress and anxiety and thus refreshes and motivates you for the day! Practicing meditation for at least 7 to 10 minutes daily rejuvenates you! Meditation can be practiced early in the morning in order to prepare yourself for the day ahead or at night once you are done with all the tasks on hand to calm and destress your body and mind!

A little bit of time dedicated for oneself to perform these activities and making them as a routine within one’s daily activities and including the positive affirmations by telling yourself every morning that this is your day and that you can make it through will really help you stay motivated, focused all day long and in return help you achieve your goals more efficiently!!

Stay happy! Stay Positive and last but not the least Stay Motivated!! :)

